Thursday, April 29, 2010

This post is just for Jordan!

I get my dental floss at the dentist office...bahahahah!

dinner out

Chips & salsa...yum. Grad Night fundraiser. Good reason to eat out. The kids ran an errand and met Steve & I at LaSierra for dinner tonight. They thought we would have to rearrange our rides for the drive home if either of us chose to drink tonight. They like to make sure we don't drink and's good to have our "parents" look out for us. This week they had a drunk driving assembly at the high school so they are especially aware of the consequences. Note to self : not only don't drink and drive but perhaps don't drink. No margaritas and no teen chauffeurs. We are home safe & sound and ready to be tucked into bed. This will be the same scenario for prom night...and grad night! Right Sydney?

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Who's ready? Soon we will be cruising on a big boat from Cali to Mexico. Whoo hoo. The final payment was made today and I can hardly wait. Maybe it has something to do with the fact it is so ugly outside. At this very minute is windy and raining pretty hubby says we are playing ball today too. If we do, it will be a cold one. I just want to warm up, so today I guess I'll start with turning the heat on! But come June I'll be counting on some sunshine.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Oh, my girl...

My conclusion after reading Sydneys blog: not ready for the working world yet. Does she have a job? Yes. Between 8-12 hours a week. Today was Take Your Kids To Work Day and 1. she didn't work, just hung out with someone who did 2. she didn't have a full day. She was so exhausted she had to come home and take a nap. 18 and on the edge of entering life after high school. Will she make it? All things in time...

Monday, April 19, 2010


Maybe we should bring back the milkman, I hear they are still around. Sydney was mad because we had no milk this morning and of course it's all my fault. "Now what am I supposed to do?!" Good grief, better make milk my number one priority today. And how was your morning?

Saturday, April 17, 2010

baseball is my life, I just don't know it!

...sitting at the same table for more than 5 minutes, talking while you are dressing for work, riding home from the baseball field. All this qualifies as "quality time" these days. You sitting at your computer in the same room as me, texting me and falling asleep before you kiss me goodnight does not. Having a coffee date with me is good, inviting your brother is not. Although, I wouldn't have it any other way. Just a hello at a game is good, ignoring me like you do all the other parents is not. It is all about me, you just don't know it!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

date night

...maybe not what you think. Brother-sister date night! The kids went to see Macbeth at the high school tonight. Jordan even asked Sydney if she would like him to wear jean or shorts. He NEVER wears long pants but did tonight for her. Wow. I have to enjoy these small miracles one at a time...far and few between. My thoughts for the evening though is that he will never last. He closes his eyes at every one of Sydney's concerts, so this play will have to be fabulous to hold his attention.
Now do you want to talk about my date? He and I will be watching Survivor and no doubt I will find Steve sleeping. Can you see who is being voted off through you your eyelids? Will let you know...

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and BE GLAD in it.
Psalm 118:24
I will be glad in it...I will be glad in it...I will be glad in it.

Monday, April 12, 2010

OAA: Out and About

Out and about with Jacki today...Beaverton Home Depot and Goodwill. The Home Depot is really not my thing but it amazes me how I can kill time there looking at nothing of interest to me. She bought outside lights...eight to be exact. I hope they work and we don't have to go back to return them. Loosely translated, this means I hope Trevor likes them and puts them up for her. So disappointed nothing fabulous at the Goodwill store either. I bought a book...not as if I needed one, I have several that need to be read already. Looks like there will be several rainy days yet for me to get them read. Anyways, always fun to go out with Jacki and see what kind of mischief we can get into before our kids or husbands start to look for us.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Pretty dress for a pretty young lady...

Year two of getting up before the crack of dawn to get to Portland for a prom dress giveaway. We like a well planned event and abby's closet is one of 'em. We checked in as number 108 and waited for a turn to look and try on dresses. Over 5500 dresses in all sizes, colors and styles. Just about the time we were on our way into the dresses we heard they already had over 1200 girls check in. Yikes! Glad we were in the front of the pack rather than the back. Sydney thought maybe a halter style and maybe poofy. Well, poofy was her perfect fit. She wasn't expecting red either. Surprise! Welcome to the unexpected and very happy with it.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Jump in and repeat this with me...

I LOVE MY FAMILY, I LOVE MY FAMILY, I LOVE MY FAMILY! Yeah, I do but here it is a Friday and it is a cherished routine to countdown the minutes until they return from school and work. Today with no school and my husband home from work, I am stripped of this. We were gonna have a little family time watching a movie last night but we all fell asleep waiting for Sydney to "get ready for bed!" So how long does it take for her to wash her face and brush her teeth. Geez girl! So this morning we watched our movie with coffee and now that I've fed them lunch maybe I can get them all to the shower. What a guilty pleasure to just hang out in your pj's. Uneventful and at the same time so eventful...Jordan is winning his millions playing poker on his itouch and dad is dancing in his "lounge pants" not his pajamas. Very carefully named so he can wear them anytime. Yeah, I am shaking my head. He is crazy. As for Sydney, I am sure I can find her doing something unproductive too. Just as it should be when you are given a day off! Ugh, I LOVE MY FAMILY! I don't think I'm gonna get a thing done today :(

Thursday, April 8, 2010

early riser

Jordan has always been my early riser, so these teen years he is in have been welcome in the fact he has been sleeping in a bit longer. This morning he was awake sometime between 3:30 and 4 a.m. just before our alarm went off. I have always said his best hours are in the morning...snuggly and the wheels in his head turning! This morning he crawled in bed and says he wants an honors diploma. "Uh, okay." Does this kid know what time it is and that neither Steve or I have had any coffee? Now this occurs to him because his forecasting for next year is due today. Did we encourage this two years ago when he was starting high school? Uh, yes. He said he didn't want to. Well, better late than never. We like college credits without having to pay for them. The honors program has served Sydney well and if all goes well she may be able to complete college in 3 years. Yay, for both of 'em. Has the lightbulb come on? Are they getting it? Time will tell...I like immediate gratification so all the waiting is gonna kill me :)

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Easter Art

Dad's art, mom's art and the kid's art...everyone helped with Easter brunch. Yay! Isn't it always all about the food?!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter!

One cross, three nails, three days...for me, for you. Such a gift! How can you refuse it?

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Sydney's Las Vegas boyfriend...

...what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas!

April Fool's Day

So far, so good. The kids had a trip to the orthodontist this morning...good news all the way around. They both should have their braces off this summer. Yay! Jordan probably in June before our cruise...a smile without the hardware, better to pick up chicks with! And Sydney before she heads off to school in September. New school, new friends and new killer smile. That's the plan anyways and the doctor didn't say, "April fool's" to either of them. It's still early in the day and this family is full of jokesters...

Making a statement...

I think Sam is making a statement...NO HEALTH FOOD ALLOWED, my body is not a temple. Sam, aka Orange Kitty, is the big kitty on the block. I tried giving him a few Greenies yesterday and after much sniffing and trying to paw the moss off the walkway (in hopes it was a treat) they are still there today. I don't need no stinkin' health food treats that make my breath clean and my teeth strong. Well, he's not the only one who doesn't like 'em. Libby will only eat them when she is pretty desperate...she's either hungry or wants to get on Sydney's good side. Anyway you look at it this bag of treats is gonna last forever. Hint, hint Sydney we like the party in a bag that mom buys.