Monday, August 31, 2009

School's almost back!

Okay, so my blog is not talking to me today. At least not yet! Today, the little voice inside my head is saying,"just one more week!" Yep, the first day of school is in sight. Whoo hoo! Although I get kinda giddy thinking about it, I also get kinda sad thinking how fast each year goes by. My goodness, Sydney is a SENIOR! And I don't mean the kind that gets discounts at Shari's. School hasn't started but the taxi service is in full swing. Back and, link crew, football, lunches, miscellaneous forgotten items in the car, and so on! Thank you Matthew. You saved me two trips of what would have been six times to the high school today. I owe you!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

talk about what's on my mind...

Okay, I just finished the "driving" post and with doing so ads popped up from Google about drivers safety courses. Helloooo...just tickled my funny bone. My blog is talking to me...

I'm still alive!

The kids completed driver's ed this summer...eek! Well, since I let someone else be the guinea pig with them I guess I'll try to do my part now. I only want a small part...a drive or two about town. Wow, their instructor took them on the freeway...downtown Portland and other scary roads. Just the other morning, Jordan got his first drive in the rain. I think he was more scared than me. Steve has been doing some driving with both the kids and wants to know why he gets to have most of the "driving duty." I tell him because he already has no hair...fair exchange for the labor pains when they were born. Overall, they are doing fine and if you want to volunteer to take them out about just give us a call. Otherwise, drivers beware!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

things I saw today...

sunshine, coffee brewing, the pacific ocean, pages in a book, kids eating pancakes, towels, purple shirts, new nike shoes, more towels, packed bags, ping pong paddles, fierce competitive attitudes, grandpa's game, packed cars, the open road, the ocean, tourists, sea lions, crabs, hippie earrings, gummie peaches, historic covered bridge, reser stadium, bryan's lane and at last, home.