Thursday, December 31, 2009


Everyone ready to ring in the new year? Can you believe 2010? Where has all the time gone to? Well another year...bring it on. We will welcome it with waffles here at the Mayfield house. Happy New Year to all.

Well done little man

So how do you fail a test one day and get 100% the next. Congratulations to the newest licensed driver in the family. His idea of assuring me it was okay was to tell me that Sydney didn't pass it the first time either. "Remember Mom?" So does this mean he looks up to Sydney and is trying to be like her? Lol. Ya, I'm sure that's it.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

being the designated parent

How did I get to be the designated parent to take Jordan to the DMV to take his driver's license? How come I gotta take him when it's cold and foggy out...and with a dusting of snow? How come? They gotta drive in it sometime but why with me? We did okay until we hit Mac and there was a good coating of snow on the road. Seems just to be in the area of the DMV...well, it began by Winco. Cars are crawling, you know, other drivers are being safe. Taking it slow. Oh not my son. Yikes. I made it to DMV, a bit stressed, but there. Now someone else gets a turn. But guess what, the DMV guy came back safe & sound. Alive. Seems he did alright. So why is it he didn't pass the knowledge test? Try, try again. We will do this over tomorrow. You all are safe for another day, enjoy.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Post Christmas exhaustion

Christmas excitement is still in the air...we managed to avoid the day after Christmas shopping but the kids did want to get to the mall to spend their gift cards. Jordan got new shoes, big surprise huh? And Sydney, jeans. A fairly quick stop that wasn't too painful. A successful trip! I don't even think our outing was four hours with a stop for lunch and the two of them came in the door and headed to Jordan's room for a nap. I think they are catching up on the sleep they lost Christmas eve. That was a sleepless night while they waited up for Santa!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Mayfield Movie Day

Another annual movie day with the family. Very much fun...funny movie, popcorn and candy. Got to give the kids all the bells and whistles. If only they would have heated the theater. (Maybe Regal is learning how to cut costs from the Cameo.) Dinner, games and chocolate fondue. That was equally as much fun and we could warm ourselves by the fire. Thanks for the hospitality Sunnycrest Mayfields!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009


I like Jenni :0) So much so, that she has this post all to herself!

Merry Christmas!

Three days before Christmas...lots to do still. Wrapping mostly, ugh. Don't really mind wrapping either but it's just the getting started. I'd rather check facebook, drink cider, play solitaire, text... Well, you get the idea.

Santa is on his way. Merry Christmas! And don't forget to eat a piece of cake to celebrate Christ's birth.

...the angel said,"Do not be afraid. I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord."

Luke 2:10-11

Wednesday, December 16, 2009


He said all he wanted for his birthday is his phone so he could text and/or talk to his girlfriend all day long. We could take back anything else we got him. Hah! Are we returning this? Doesn't look like it. This is already providing us with hours of entertainment. Do you suppose we could work it into a Halloween costume next year?


Sydney was asked to read scripture and light the advent candle at church...she did GREAT. She could have tripped going up to the stage, or as she walked across or as she came back down the stairs. But she didn't. She said she was nervous but pulled it off like a pro. Whoo hoo, way to go Sydney!

Lunch with Sydney

Here we are, talking about food, again! My girl, my baby girl, wanted her fair share too so we have a lunch date. Her brother isn't gonna have the food to himself...although we know he tries. Well what a day we've picked! It is absolutely miserable outside. The expression "raining cats and dogs" doesn't even begin to describe how big the drops are. Or how heavy it's coming down. This does not matter...a little rain won't get in the way of mother-daughter time. We will embrace the moment and both have "beach hair." That seems to be a mother-daughter thing as well!

Friday, December 4, 2009

An Encounter

Today as Sydney and I were shopping in the produce section of the store I met the devil. The devil came disguised as a sweet old lady who invited me to shoplift of all things. I made some small conversation first. "How do the grapes look?" She replied, "Good. Shall we try one?" Lol. I'm going to think twice before I talk with a stranger again.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Another first

There are so many "firsts." First time they smile, first time they walk, first time they go to as we are a bit older they still have firsts. Today is the first time they will drive themselves to the orthodontist. Yes!

Just for the record

Just for the record, it's another "Friday" for the kids. They have yet another day off tomorrow. What we do then? I'm sure I can either come up with something to ruin their day or make their day. Let's see what kind of attitude they show me today. Don't know if I am feeling the love.

Civil War Game

Today( I know, a Thursday? Weird.)
Autzen Stadium( Home field advantage!)
Ducks are gonna win!( Enuf said.)

"N" is for...

"N" is for Newberg. Congratulations on getting a letter Jordan. So glad you decided to play football and so glad to see you be part of this years team. I will quietly and proudly sit in the back of the room and watch. Go Tigers. Go Jordan!