Monday, November 18, 2013

Good friends...

What's better than va-cay-shun? Catching up up with old friends...we were able to get time with one of Steve's friends before our cruise. Love, love, love Jon...and his family for having us and showing us his LA life. He is blessed with a beautiful wife and and two girls who will keep their dad on his toes in the upcoming years. Both cute and smart, deadly combination for any dad. Our short visit makes me wish we lived closer so we could visit more often. Guess we should tell em we're coming back!

Saturday, October 19, 2013


Cruisin'! 15 day cruise to Hawaii...four days at sea before you get there, five port of calls(Kona, Maui, Honolulu, Kauai and Hilo), another four days at sea, a day in Ensenada and back to Cali. Unplugged time, well mostly, with the hubby with lots of time for napping and relaxing. So. Good.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Empty nest

Jordan has been gone for a month(actually a few days more...yes, I'm counting) and it makes me crazy he has been sick since he has left . This mama want to hug him and make chicken soup for him and tuck him in at night. Sydney is packing up her stuff to leave me too. She is off for her fourth year at college. Where does the time go! Her company around here will be many words fill the air when she is here. That girl loves to to talk and she does a great job talkin' sports with the daddy. What will we do without her. The nest is nearly empty but like boomerangs they come back, thank gooodness. Oh how I will miss them! We drive them crazy and vice versa...but what a quiet house this will be. I will be left to watch the dog chase the cat, more sibling rivalry only with less words.

Friday, September 20, 2013

We're getting there

Four weeks and we are cruisin' babe...looking forward to get away and lost at sea(in the non-literal way of course). So glad the day is almost here after talking about and planning for what seems like a long time. Yay!
What's the next adventure? I know, planning baseball season 2014...Let's play ball Coach!

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Indian Summer

9/11, twelve years later and still a date we not soon forget. Today is near 100 degrees and uncomfortable...maybe as it should be to remember how uncomfortable a day it was back in 2001. Well, with today being so warm means there is still warm weather to come. And it is September! I am thankful because that rainy weather will creep into our lives much too soon. Jordan has been gone almost a month, yay. But only yay because it's closer to the day he will come home! Boo that Sydney hasn't even left yet. Two more weeks and my truly long school year will start. Thirty eight more days until our cruise...temporary fix to help me forget how much I miss the kids. Aahhh, this too shall pass. Right?! Back to school time!! Let's buy some pencils, Sharpies and erasers!

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Baby, you treat me so fine!

Happy anniversary...53 days and we set sail. Baby you treat me so fine. Looking forward  to getting lost at sea with you. In the non-literal way, I do not want to make headlines. Quiet and discreet vaca!

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

One more day

Where did the time go? Jordan is about to leave for school again and Iowa is too far away. Yep, too far. And December, too far away too. Me and Harley...not happy. Maybe if his packing doesn't get done he can't go...nah! What am I thinking? He must go! Yes, must. Welcome inside my head, I have been back and forth about this all week. Want him to stay. No, want him to go. He does something cute...must stay. Does something disgusting...must go. I WILL put him on that plane tomorrow and have a huge hug waiting for him when he comes back. That will have to do...xoxo buddy.

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Mr. and Mrs. Caminiti

What a beautiful bride, no lie. And her maid of honor did shine a bit...even got through her toast. Sun, cute bridesmaids, homemade jams, homemade desserts, sparklers and a big red fire truck to escape in.  What a great day...technically we lost a Mayfield but this family gained a nice young man. Congratulations to the newlyweds!

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

How time seems to fly...

Last post in May?? Can hardly believe that but I think I stopped putting entries in when all I had on my mind was baseball. Gosh, and that was well into July...done for now(as if it ever stops). Our big summer events...first Fridays to visit Syd in her tasting room, a couple of animated movies(Monsters University and Despicable Me 2)because we have kids after all, and an outing to the beach with Harley. Her first time and she was a trooper! Walked forever on the beach without her little legs collapsing. We just had a family camp out at Chris and Cori's and are about up to the big event of Kendahl's wedding. Sheesh, a married kiddo! Jordan had his wisdom teeth out with no complications and he will be gone in a week :(  Sad days ahead...he came early, will leave early and be missed. The good news is we have Sydney a bit longer and then move her to school for her final year. Yes, FINAL. A college senior, when did that happen? Looking forward to fall and taking a nice cruise...we ARE counting the days to Hawaiian bliss. 66!

Monday, May 27, 2013

Memorial weekend 2013

As this weekend approached I was thinking how strange that we had no plans! This doesn't happen, we usually are committed to baseball somehow. No Sydney for the weekend...and basically no Jordan. His first week of work and he put in 40+ hours. He looks forward to a couple days off. The best part of this, he likes his job.
As it turns out, Steve and I were able to take in a Mariner-Ranger game Saturday night. M's lost but we had great seats and decent weather. To top off our evening we had a call from Kendahl to say she had gotten ENGAGED. Didn't see that one coming! We are thrilled and look forward to her August wedding.
Today is wet but we will enjoy it none-the-less and be thankful for all the soldiers who serve so we may enjoy this freedom.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Summer vacation

It is summer vacation for Jordan...he has been home for not quite two weeks and he started a new job today. Yay. No, did you feel the enthusiasm, YAY! I didn't have a chance to get tired of him being on my couch and now somebody else is responsible for occupying 40 hours of his life a week. Hopefully he will like his job, feel like he is making a contribution there and put some money away for the next school year.
Baseball...won the play in game...lost to Thurston HS in the first round. Not so much yay as my hubby would have liked to have gone to round two. Well, no worries. Summer practice begins next Wednesday. Yay.
Back to summer vacation...Sydney will be home mid June, yay! Sydney, word of the day: yay. Not delicious and not legit. Simple in form, yay. Looking forward to a full house again. Yay, summer vacation.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

It's just baseball

Baseball...a game...some skill required...strategy. Bottom line...Meant. For. Fun. By those playing and watching. Enjoyment to be had by all, just my opinion. I have many others, opinions, that is. Best to keep quiet, lol. This season I have seen this team play each game to the end so I know that the season is far from over...looking forward to playoffs.
Let's talk about the weather...lately, it's been beautiful. Weather that we usually don't see until July! What's the deal?! Of course since I am not watching Jordan no winter parkas are required. Maybe the the weather followed him to Iowa and that is why the Midwest is just coming out of their winter. Just one theory we could look into :)
So many events have gone by and so many to look forward to. Next up, Jordan will be home in less than two weeks...just in time for mother's day. He and Sydney will both be here, it's going to be a great day.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Opening day...

Our season opener against none other than Mac...and the first thought is,"we need to win this one!" Oh and we did, 4-1. Yay! Go Tigers! Couldn't have asked for a better day as the sun was out and it wasn't too cold either. The fire department provided us with their color guard, always so cool to see them bring the flags to the field. As for the next thing that power in the press box and Tim Morland lead us in song accapella style. Awesome! I would have rather crawled under a rock and said skip it. How unamerican of me. So good to see the stands full and the boys play hard. Great start to the season Coach!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Not quite opening day...

Baseball, baseball, baseball. The team had their first day of play yesterday at a jamboree and they got to see how they really work together, or not, against a few different teams. I think it helped put a plan together for today's game against Sunset. First home game of the season and the hubs first win as head coach. If we can keep this up life will be good here in the Mayfield house.

Sunday, March 10, 2013


Happy birthday to the dad...what a great present to have Jordan home for spring break too! We put Jordan on a plane back to Iowa and Jordan assured me it was a mere 49 days. Not so long but long enough...I miss that kid despite the extra work he requires :)

Friday, March 1, 2013

Hello March

March 1st already...the days just slip by. March brings lots of birthdays, spring break...or I should say spring breaks since the kids are different schedules and March Madness of course. Steve has had a week of baseball practice and the weather so far has allowed them to be outside. With baseball comes his sore arm, lots of blisters, extra laundry and getting up early. Monday I rolled over when I heard his was 3:28...A.M. Seriously?! Why can't he be a person who hears his alarm at say 4 and then just gets up? Wishful thinking on my part and for Harley, what a long day before she gets to see her daddy. Lots of pacing and longing looks out the front window. Just wait until game day Miss Harley...your dinner will be sooooo late :/ Hello March. Hello baseball. No doubt...hello rain.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Go Blazers!

What a treat, Sydney and Jake treated Mom and Dad to an evening out. Blazers v. Celtics...and what a great game. It has been awhile since I have been to a game and one where everyone stays in their seats until the end. Blazers won, sorry Jake, and broke their seven game losing streak. How does it go? RIP CITY!

Monday, January 28, 2013


Happy birthday to Steve's mom!! The sun didn't shine real bright for her today but it was dry today. Can't ask for much more this time of year. Hope today was a blessing for her!


A new year has arrived and no new post yet...I was slacking before but this is unacceptable. We welcomed the new year with Chris, Cori, Craig and Lisa. Steve killed the Mickey waffle maker and what will we do come next year?? The kids were out with their own friends so maybe this is the end of  waffles at midnight. Sydney has her own new tradition now that she is 21...she spent new year's day with a tad bit of a hangover. Bummer for her :)
So good to have the kids here...Sydney left first and Jordan about a week later. I must say saying goodbye a second time was harder than the first. I should have known, Sydney's second year away was worse than the first. My hugs and kisses from the boy will have to last until May. That's in forever  in case you were wondering.
Hopefully the kids are focused on studying and hibernating with their books for the winter. Wishful thinking on my part but I can dream. Steve is focused on baseball...nothing new there. And the season begins all too soon. What am I talking about, it's been baseball 24/7, 365 days of the year!