Saturday, October 29, 2011

Happy Birthday to Ninnie

My twin, she is older and I kept the world waiting 8 years 363 days. Don't let her fool you, she wants to be the younger twin. Happy birthday to you Ninnie.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Happy Birthday to me

365 days until the big five-0. I don't view this as a bad thing but come on, it's fifty. I can remember my mom being fifty and I thought it was forever away. It's 365 days away...

Friday, October 14, 2011


Homesick? Not my big girl! I thought for sure she would last until Thanksgiving...I was wrong. She made her way home for a quick visit. Family, friends and a home cooked meal. On top of it all a few hugs and kisses to tide her over until the holidays. I'll take you anytime BG. XOXO.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Senior night

Well, Senior night and Homecoming! Hard to believe Jordan and Ellie are in their last year of high school. We are so close but yet so far...I think I have been saying this since we were potty training the kids all those years ago. Will we ever be done with them? Children, an everlasting adventure that I'm sure never ends. It seems school has just started but I feel we are behind on so many things...Jordan has been busy looking at schools, keeping up with his classes and is so focused on football. He still has to complete his senior project and then let's just throw in some baseball stuff too. "This too shall pass." Not too fast please and let's lose the stress.

Friday, October 7, 2011


A birthday shout out to Georgia...18 today! A blessed day she indeed deserves.