Tuesday, July 12, 2011


It's July. I say that as if time has been flying by. It has but also school has only been out about a month and we have plenty of summertime left. There is still plenty of baseball, football and for Sydney, work left. Sydney has not one, but two jobs to juggle. She works M-F at Xerox and weekends and and evening or so at Subway. She gets quality time with her dad too! Carpooling with her dad means getting up and moving before 4:30. She also plays radio trivia every morning with him and boosts his ego by calling in his answer. She will learn to go with her gut feeling and give her own answer if she ever wants to win, lol. Her biggest motivation is the bottom line...at the end of the day who doesn't love a paycheck.
Jordan is still playing baseball. The summer Legion team is doing great...some wins, some losses but a lot of fun. Go Abby's!! Football conditioning is happening on a regular basis and a 7 on 7 league each week as well. Sports is keeping him busy but he still has time to find a job, in my opinion(haha). He has plenty to do to get ready for his senior year...senior project, job shadow and some studying for his SAT if he wants to repeat it. Researching schools would be good too, as of now I don't think he has a top ten...five?..."the" one? Maybe by application deadline date :/
Typical drizzly day...not typical for July though. I'll take it but only because the weekend weather looks more promising. The weekend promises more baseball, baseball and more baseball.

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