Baseball...a game...some skill required...strategy. Bottom line...Meant. For. Fun. By those playing and watching. Enjoyment to be had by all, just my opinion. I have many others, opinions, that is. Best to keep quiet, lol. This season I have seen this team play each game to the end so I know that the season is far from over...looking forward to playoffs.
Let's talk about the weather...lately, it's been beautiful. Weather that we usually don't see until July! What's the deal?! Of course since I am not watching Jordan no winter parkas are required. Maybe the the weather followed him to Iowa and that is why the Midwest is just coming out of their winter. Just one theory we could look into :)
So many events have gone by and so many to look forward to. Next up, Jordan will be home in less than two weeks...just in time for mother's day. He and Sydney will both be here, it's going to be a great day.
What a wonderful Mothers Day present!