A long holiday weekend! Yesterday was Friday but felt like Saturday and today like Sunday. Gotta get it straight. So much time, so much to do but yet we just want to do nothing. The weather just makes us want to curl up and take a nap too.
Jordan's baseball team made it into the playoffs so this was a week we collected a bit of mileage. Monday was a roadtrip to Redmond...great company with Chris and Cori and many laughs. Plus a win for the boys. Wednesday, destination: Roseburg. Cori and I...questionable weather but in the end it was a great day for another game. We were glad we made the trip although this was the end of playoffs for us. The Roseburg boys hit the crap out of the ball...doubles, triple, and a couple of homeruns. Yikes. I think the score was 18-5 but out of our five Jordan was two of them and Cody two of them. Yay for them!
My friend Amy, from high school, lives in Roseburg and came out to the game. I met her new husband, Mike. I like him! We were able to catch up a bit, as much as you can in just a few innings, and want to do it again. Love how you can pick up where you left off with old friends.
Spring baseball may be over and the rides on the big yellow bus for Jordan and Steve but I do believe summer ball games start this week. More games, more fun...just want the weather to change up so we can pack away the heavy parkas and work on our savage tans.
Sydney is home for the weekend. We kicked off our Friday with a coffee date at the Dundee Red Hills Market. Steve, Sydney, Kendahl, Grandma and Sydney's friend, Richard. I like it there. I still like the Coffee Cottage but this is a great new place to sit and talk awhile.
Gotta say I love having Sydney home. I love having the kids drop in...Kendahl's visits are always great. Haven't seen Ellie in awhile and she was in and out quickly last night. Brief but I'll take it. And looking forward to seeing Hannah today. Who's missing? Cody! We may be off limits for him but we like when he drops in too. By the way Cody, did you "ding-dong ditch" us last night?
That's what the week looked like and since it is only Saturday I have a lot of weekend left yet. It is undecided if it too much or little, that may be up to the Jordan-factor. He likes when we have things going on and less time to focus on him. I love him to death and having him around when he isn't causing trouble. He would rather be out and about away from us...typical. We are the parents who are too nosey and embarrass him. He would rather not have his friends here and now he won't even go to the movies with his sister. Embarrassed of her too? He is running out of family. He has Harley :)
Only a few weeks before school is out for summer. All approaching too fast. Georgia is the graduate this year. Yay! She is headed to Willamette in the fall and before we know it Ellie and Jordan will have their turn. That will be many posts from now...