Monday, February 22, 2010


Jesus loves the little children, all the children of the world. Red and yellow, black and white. They are precious in His sight, Jesus loves the children of the world! I don't know what Alexis is all made up of but she is precious. I am so looking forward to seeing her soon.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

The Weekend is Here!

The weather has been absolutely beautiful the last couple of days. Perfect for baseball. Now if only it were baseball season. Not to worry, practice starts bright and early Monday morning. As for today, it's Saturday. First of all, the cat did not wake us up. She slept with Jordan and that in itself is a great thing! Steve brought me coffee in bed, made breakfast and cleaned up the mess. Whoo hoo. The nice weather has put the men "outside" and they are doing "outside" chores. I hear the mower and Jordan is digging at Grandpa's house today. All is well until Jordan comes back...I fear he will drag the "great outdoors" indoors. Vacuuming here is so pointless somedays! Oh's time to open up the windows and let some of the fresh air in. The rain will be back this next week but for now SEIZE THE WEEKEND!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

They want it all! (who doesn't)

My kids, they want it all. Valentine's and Chinese New Year fell on the same day this year and Sydney's big question: "Are we celebrating new year's or are we having heart pizza?" It is tradition that we have a heart shaped pizza from Abby's but to solve our problem, Dad suggested chinese food for lunch. Yum. We had an outing to The Good Taste restaurant in Aloha...they did not disappoint. Somebody ordered a whole roasted pig so upon arrival we were greeted with a big ol' pig snout from this poor soul who rested and waited on a table to be picked up. We enjoy celebrating our heritage although not so traditional anymore. Gung Hay Fat Choy! And a Happy Valentine's Day.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Travel News

Did you know?

1. There are lots of baby sheep this time of year...cute!
2. Once you get beyond Eugene on I-5 the drive is pretty interesting.
3. The drive-in @ Rice Hill is still open.
4. The Dutch Bros. in Roseburg and Grants Pass are open 24 hours.
5. You can no longer go out and about naked in Ashland.
6. The ride there is shorter than the ride back.
7. There's no place like home.

Road trip!

Okay, imagine this. We are in the car for only a couple of minutes and less than a mile from home and the bickering starts. Dad is firmly threatening he will not put up with this and wants Sydney and Jordan to quiet down. Yikes, does he really mean business? Well, we on our way for a coffee stop and we realize we don't have directions. More agitation. Will we go home or push on?
Dutch Bros. coffee: $9.50
Shell gas: $40
Hours in the car with my family(while Jordan is on caffiene): Priceless

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Bubble Shooter

It's baaaack! Get your fix.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

meet Alexis

(no words necessary)