Friday, June 12, 2009
Last day of school...
The last day of school means it is officially summer. Another countdown begins...88 days until school starts in September. What will keep these kids occupied for 88 days? For today, it is baseball for Jordan and work for Sydney. She likes her "tips." Next week she will participate in Mission 2 Newberg. If you see her around town doing good deeds be sure to encourage her & her friends. It is a great thing to see what's happening in the community you live in and serve those who are in need. Jordan is looking forward to hanging out with his friends. I guess you can't start too soon either. He and his Wednesday morning coffee buddies are having a end of the year get together tonight. Summer baseball will keep him busy into July and then football camp! Thinking about all that just makes me tired. We all look forward to our beach outing in August and before we know it school activities creep back into our schedule in August as well. Jordan is glad to move up on the food longer a freshman! And our Baby Girl is (do I dare say it?) a SENIOR!
The Swiffer
Best thing invented in awhile although my kids would disagree. I should introduce them to Mr. Mop. You know, the bucket of water, wringing the mop & changing the water. Icky. And Sydney is wondering why the "swiffer." Evidently she never had the pleasure of Mr. Mop.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
The Countdown
59 hours & 45 minutes. 3 days!? That's not enough! School can't be over so soon. What will they do with all their days of summer? Good's a vicious cycle. So when does school start again?
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Two hits, two walks and two RBI's. Not a bad day in baseball. We played Lincoln and they managed to score in the bottom of the 5th inning. But we got that 3rd out and VICTORY! We won 13-1.You never would have known it was 90 degree weather last week. Today we needed long sleeves, jackets and blankets to keep warm in the not much over 60 weather. Hmmph! That's baseball in Oregon...
Friday, June 5, 2009
Meet Alaina!

Girls of Summer...

Summer Baseball

This is a shout out to Matthew, thanks for following! A family tradition has been to go for coffee after a orchestra or band concert. Since Jordan has dropped band we are dependant on Sydney to stick with her viola so we have an excuse to go for coffee. Our place of choice: The Coffee Cottage. This year we have convinced Matthew to join us a time or two. A "coffee virgin" I believe. Not necessarily proud of it but we have corrupted a kid or two along the way. This is Matthew before caffeine, with caffeine and Kendahl with caffeine. Be careful Kendahl "with" is pretty scary. And there is Matthew again joining in on our social time. You are always welcome and hope you will join us after every concert next year! We love ya.
And hope to add more pictures of you to our family album.
The question is will you look like Kendahl? And how many

The question is will you look like Kendahl? And how many
Heritage Festival

Congratulations to all! The NHS music department rocks. Everyone brought home a trophy to be proud of but we couldn't be prouder of Sydney and the orchestra. They won gold in this festival as well as the Adjudicator's award and the Outstanding Orchestra award. Well done! As I hear it, I think the orchestra performed a piece of music from Beauty and the Beast. This movie is a favorite in our house and Belle is the favorite princess of Sydney. We are anxiously awaiting this performance of their Disney experience. If you are wondering about this trip, just ask Sydney to see one of her 439 pictures. Or a number close to this. From the bus ride to the light sabers, she has lots of memories!
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
What's on my mind...
Wow, June already! Where did May go? Well, two things on my mind today. Trust me there are more but another time. First, Happy Birthday Hannah!! I hope you have a great day. Secondly, Jordan had spacers put around some of his teeth in preparation for his braces next week. He has given some time lately wondering what this experience will be like. Curious if they will hurt. Sydney has assured him that they don't and they won't be giving him any sort of shot to numb his mouth to ease the pain. He says his friends have been filling his head with stories. Boys must have a low pain threshold or it really does hurt. Well, he was barely out of the chair was asking me for painkillers and had one of the receptionists running for water to wash them down. The good news is he alive and well enough to tell you about it. I can hardly wait until next week when the actual braces go on. With wires and everything!
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