Thursday, December 31, 2009
Everyone ready to ring in the new year? Can you believe 2010? Where has all the time gone to? Well another year...bring it on. We will welcome it with waffles here at the Mayfield house. Happy New Year to all.
Well done little man
So how do you fail a test one day and get 100% the next. Congratulations to the newest licensed driver in the family. His idea of assuring me it was okay was to tell me that Sydney didn't pass it the first time either. "Remember Mom?" So does this mean he looks up to Sydney and is trying to be like her? Lol. Ya, I'm sure that's it.
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
being the designated parent
How did I get to be the designated parent to take Jordan to the DMV to take his driver's license? How come I gotta take him when it's cold and foggy out...and with a dusting of snow? How come? They gotta drive in it sometime but why with me? We did okay until we hit Mac and there was a good coating of snow on the road. Seems just to be in the area of the DMV...well, it began by Winco. Cars are crawling, you know, other drivers are being safe. Taking it slow. Oh not my son. Yikes. I made it to DMV, a bit stressed, but there. Now someone else gets a turn. But guess what, the DMV guy came back safe & sound. Alive. Seems he did alright. So why is it he didn't pass the knowledge test? Try, try again. We will do this over tomorrow. You all are safe for another day, enjoy.
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Post Christmas exhaustion
Christmas excitement is still in the air...we managed to avoid the day after Christmas shopping but the kids did want to get to the mall to spend their gift cards. Jordan got new shoes, big surprise huh? And Sydney, jeans. A fairly quick stop that wasn't too painful. A successful trip! I don't even think our outing was four hours with a stop for lunch and the two of them came in the door and headed to Jordan's room for a nap. I think they are catching up on the sleep they lost Christmas eve. That was a sleepless night while they waited up for Santa!
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Mayfield Movie Day
Another annual movie day with the family. Very much fun...funny movie, popcorn and candy. Got to give the kids all the bells and whistles. If only they would have heated the theater. (Maybe Regal is learning how to cut costs from the Cameo.) Dinner, games and chocolate fondue. That was equally as much fun and we could warm ourselves by the fire. Thanks for the hospitality Sunnycrest Mayfields!
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Merry Christmas!
Three days before Christmas...lots to do still. Wrapping mostly, ugh. Don't really mind wrapping either but it's just the getting started. I'd rather check facebook, drink cider, play solitaire, text... Well, you get the idea.
Santa is on his way. Merry Christmas! And don't forget to eat a piece of cake to celebrate Christ's birth.
...the angel said,"Do not be afraid. I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord."
Luke 2:10-11
Santa is on his way. Merry Christmas! And don't forget to eat a piece of cake to celebrate Christ's birth.
...the angel said,"Do not be afraid. I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord."
Luke 2:10-11
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
He said all he wanted for his birthday is his phone so he could text and/or talk to his girlfriend all day long. We could take back anything else we got him. Hah! Are we returning this? Doesn't look like it. This is already providing us with hours of entertainment. Do you suppose we could work it into a Halloween costume next year?
Sydney was asked to read scripture and light the advent candle at church...she did GREAT. She could have tripped going up to the stage, or as she walked across or as she came back down the stairs. But she didn't. She said she was nervous but pulled it off like a pro. Whoo hoo, way to go Sydney!
Lunch with Sydney
Here we are, talking about food, again! My girl, my baby girl, wanted her fair share too so we have a lunch date. Her brother isn't gonna have the food to himself...although we know he tries. Well what a day we've picked! It is absolutely miserable outside. The expression "raining cats and dogs" doesn't even begin to describe how big the drops are. Or how heavy it's coming down. This does not matter...a little rain won't get in the way of mother-daughter time. We will embrace the moment and both have "beach hair." That seems to be a mother-daughter thing as well!
Friday, December 4, 2009
An Encounter
Today as Sydney and I were shopping in the produce section of the store I met the devil. The devil came disguised as a sweet old lady who invited me to shoplift of all things. I made some small conversation first. "How do the grapes look?" She replied, "Good. Shall we try one?" Lol. I'm going to think twice before I talk with a stranger again.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Another first
There are so many "firsts." First time they smile, first time they walk, first time they go to as we are a bit older they still have firsts. Today is the first time they will drive themselves to the orthodontist. Yes!
Just for the record
Just for the record, it's another "Friday" for the kids. They have yet another day off tomorrow. What we do then? I'm sure I can either come up with something to ruin their day or make their day. Let's see what kind of attitude they show me today. Don't know if I am feeling the love.
Civil War Game
Today( I know, a Thursday? Weird.)
Autzen Stadium( Home field advantage!)
Ducks are gonna win!( Enuf said.)
Autzen Stadium( Home field advantage!)
Ducks are gonna win!( Enuf said.)
"N" is for...
"N" is for Newberg. Congratulations on getting a letter Jordan. So glad you decided to play football and so glad to see you be part of this years team. I will quietly and proudly sit in the back of the room and watch. Go Tigers. Go Jordan!
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Music to our ears
We were blessed by another concert last night...NHS orchestra! They are awesome. This is Sydney's senior year and last night was the first of our last series of concerts this school year. We will have to get our "culture" from another source next year. Hmmm, what will we do? One of those obsure artists at The Coffee Cottage qualify? By the way Sydney, my favorite piece last night was the last one...Scenes from the Emerald Isle.
What do YOU want for Christmas?
I thought Jordan's wish was the best so far...he would like certificates to be "ungrounded." FYI...I will honor any certificates as long as anyone who gifts him is willing to take him for the day.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Five Day Weekend
There were never any five day weekends when I was in school. You know, back in the day. We are supposed to be able to relay these stories from the past to our kids but when it comes to being out school, I got nothin'. This is day five and so far everyone is still alive...and well. Thank goodness for football practice with Jordan or he might not be here to tell the tale of his five day weekend.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
What Are You Supposed to Be Doing?
I am supposed to be grocery shopping, but I'm not. Oops, the secret is out. I have talked with my sister on the phone, I have made the grocery list and I have done a load of laundry. And let's not forget the quality time with the cat. Well, here I am blogging...I do think I have mastered the art of doing nothing!
Monday, November 2, 2009
The Tack
Okay, I've lost a tack! I decided to flip my calendar, removed it from the wall and wa-la...clear tack gone! It's not visible to me on the desk or on the floor. I'm sure it is lost in the crazy colors of the carpet. I have however seen how dusty it is down under the desk and next to the baseboards. Yuck, another thing to add to the "to do" list. And who dusts the tower for their computer? Yea, yea I'm a horrible housekeeper. So here's the dilemma, do I get up and try to walk away? I have no socks, no protection and am sure I will then find that stupid tack.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Happy Halloween!
Last week it was a good day to be a is a GREAT day to be a Duck! Beating USC is huge. I think Oregon leads the Pac-10 right now. Go Ducks!
On a sad note, Newberg had a big game against Tualatin last night but was not victorious. Was a really great game but we just didn't end up on top. Way to hang in there Tigers.
It has been a long day. The boys were up early to watch ESPN's Game Day which was broadcast this morning from Autzen Stadium. We are still awaiting any late trick or treaters but there just aren't many. We are surprised since it is a Saturday night and there's no rain. Does no one want candy?
On a sad note, Newberg had a big game against Tualatin last night but was not victorious. Was a really great game but we just didn't end up on top. Way to hang in there Tigers.
It has been a long day. The boys were up early to watch ESPN's Game Day which was broadcast this morning from Autzen Stadium. We are still awaiting any late trick or treaters but there just aren't many. We are surprised since it is a Saturday night and there's no rain. Does no one want candy?
Saturday, October 24, 2009
It's a good day to be a Duck! The rain let up and the sun came out, what a nice day to be out watching football. Autzen would have been packed but in watching the game today, those Husky fans did not do so well in packing the stands!
Speaking of football, NHS won last night. Whoo hoo! 41-0. Good job boys. Okay, we drive to Forest Grove and the minute we get in the stands it starts to pour. I mean POUR. After about a 30 minute downpour the rain stops and we are able to enjoy the game. Wet players(mine without long sleeves or long socks), wet cheerleaders and wet fans. We are ahead so we figure Jordan might get a shot to play in the game. With four sets of eyes one would think someone would see Jordan get into the, not us! Sorry Jordan. I tried to find your number but no ocho-chinko to be found! I'm sure you did great! Good job, keep it up!
Speaking of football, NHS won last night. Whoo hoo! 41-0. Good job boys. Okay, we drive to Forest Grove and the minute we get in the stands it starts to pour. I mean POUR. After about a 30 minute downpour the rain stops and we are able to enjoy the game. Wet players(mine without long sleeves or long socks), wet cheerleaders and wet fans. We are ahead so we figure Jordan might get a shot to play in the game. With four sets of eyes one would think someone would see Jordan get into the, not us! Sorry Jordan. I tried to find your number but no ocho-chinko to be found! I'm sure you did great! Good job, keep it up!
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Wedding Bells
September 19, 2010. Andrea has set a date! I opened my e-mail and found this bit of news to greet me this morning. I have high expectations...Andrea is a bit of an overachiever and will plan this event with everything she has. It seems that I have alot to look forward to in 2010. Bryan's baby...a girl? Sydney and Kendahl's graduation. And finally Lucy will have married parents.
I love my family!
Wow. I have the house to myself once again. A bit of peace & serenity. Last week you would have thought it was summer vacation with everyone home. Glad there is school and work this week. I love my family. I love my family more when I have a moment to miss them.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Seeing a countdown should be exciting. When I see that window counting down to graduation, I just feel so much anxiety. And there's still alot of time to go at this point. Will it be magical when it's time, wonderful, sad or just another day in "my" paradise? Time will tell...
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Cheers to the weather!
There's nothing like a drizzly day to remind you fall is really here. I love the colors of fall, the cool temperatures but still a hint of sunshine! The only problem is weather like this only makes me want to snuggle up under a blanket and have a warm cup of coffee in hand. If that happens nothing will get done! Well, I wish everyone a good snuggle & a cup of coffee.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Lunch dates...
Lunch with the girls is a fabulous ritual. You can't live without friends. Don't have 'em? Get some. Lunch with your husband is always a welcome treat. We don't do it often enough. Lunch with your son(on command) is great. It's nice to know he does have some manners. And lunch with your daughter(with a boyfriend and a social calendar that seems to just get tighter and tighter) would be outstanding. Lunch dates are more than just about the food. Wait, did I really just say that?
Just for the record a passing grade is an "A, B or C." A's are best for obvious reasons. B's are great too and a C is acceptable but know that I know it's not your best work. It's just not! A "D" or "F" is unacceptable. Somehow something is missing...studying, paying attention, I don't know what but something! Admitting you didn't do the your best is the first step and then get the help you need. Don't admit defeat! You can do anything if you set your mind to it. The consequences may not seem like help but are to help you stay focused. School and grades are priority. Poor grades don't make you not good enough or me not proud. It is a reflection of you and it's fair to say you need to make a grade that you are proud of and give you self esteem. That's what I have to say about grades!
Saturday, September 26, 2009
G & G
Grandpa & Grandma are home. Welcome back! You ever wonder what's missing and can't figure it out until it hits you in the face? The something that's missing is having Grandma and Papa gone and when they get back everything falls into place. The rustle on the other side of the driveway, the spot you will find the kids when they go missing & the place you will find orange kitty when he's not in your driveway. We will enjoy it while we can before they pull out of the driveway on another adventure.
Way to go Tigers! I don't mean the Tiger football team either. The football team beat Franklin 41-8, but those Tiger cheerleaders are awesome. For every touchdown they did push-ups to match the score. Can you say ONE HUNDRED FORTY FOUR! Great job girls!
Friday, September 18, 2009
Life's little lessons
Do you ever wonder..."if I didn't have kids, what would I be doing?" Motherhood, parenthood, whatever it is you call it! I would not trade it for anything. I do love my kids, unconditionally. However, I do not think this is always reciprocal. They hold a grudge and dredge up the past. Time and again! We do not have a foolproof plan of who does what around here, and maybe we should, but I expect everyone to pitch in. Lots of it I could easily do because I am home and I have the time. No matter how hard we try to teach the kids a sense of responsibility or a sense of ownership they fight us tooth and nail. Does the lesson get lost in the yelling & frustration? It's a daily battle with two teenagers. How did we get here? And in a blink of an eye they will be gone...guess I'll have to figure out how to savor these moments. Did I mention I do not have a taste for sour things. Is this why the kids like Sour Patch candies?
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Welcome to the world of Facebook!
Oh my goodness. Just barely have e-mail mastered and then there is Facebook. I signed up because my niece, Alaina, said so! Okay, I like that I can get a glimpse of what the kids are doing on Facebook but I am having issues getting around once I am signed in. My friend tried to "chat" with me and I failed terribly. I'm telling you I clicked on everything possible! And what's with the profile "person" who I think looks like a man. It does ask if you are male or female, so why don't I have something that resembles a female? I will have to figure out how to get a photo on there! And that may take some figure out or get HELP. Until then I get to look like kid from Our Gang?! Alfalfa.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Late start Wednesdays
Talk about delayed happens every Wednesday. Who really benefits from this "late start" day anyways? It's not me. I've tried this "all about me" attitude and it doesn't work for me. Guess we'll just have to stay on board with the "all about Steve" theme that's been going on.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
It's ba-a-ck!
Oh what a happy day when the kids go back to school. I changed it up a bit this year and volunteered at the school. By noon I was ready to go and embrace the "happy dance" that goes along with the kids emptying the house. Back to their "grind." They have purpose and meaning, although they just didn't sit around all summer. When did those little kids get to be so-o-o BIG?
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Can I drive?
Today I had my longest drive yet with Jordan. He drove us home from Beaverton after visiting the orthodontist. It was good, good job Jordan! I have decided that I'm not too scared as long as we are moving. You know, on the open road. It is the inanimate objects like parked cars, curbs, posts and such that are what scare me. They don't jump out of the way.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Happy September
Seven. 7. Yes, seven days until school! It is Sept. 1st already. Can you believe it? Pencils, binders, folders & erasers! We will soon say goodbye to the lazy days of summer...
Monday, August 31, 2009
School's almost back!
Okay, so my blog is not talking to me today. At least not yet! Today, the little voice inside my head is saying,"just one more week!" Yep, the first day of school is in sight. Whoo hoo! Although I get kinda giddy thinking about it, I also get kinda sad thinking how fast each year goes by. My goodness, Sydney is a SENIOR! And I don't mean the kind that gets discounts at Shari's. School hasn't started but the taxi service is in full swing. Back and, link crew, football, lunches, miscellaneous forgotten items in the car, and so on! Thank you Matthew. You saved me two trips of what would have been six times to the high school today. I owe you!
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
talk about what's on my mind...
Okay, I just finished the "driving" post and with doing so ads popped up from Google about drivers safety courses. Helloooo...just tickled my funny bone. My blog is talking to me...
I'm still alive!
The kids completed driver's ed this summer...eek! Well, since I let someone else be the guinea pig with them I guess I'll try to do my part now. I only want a small part...a drive or two about town. Wow, their instructor took them on the freeway...downtown Portland and other scary roads. Just the other morning, Jordan got his first drive in the rain. I think he was more scared than me. Steve has been doing some driving with both the kids and wants to know why he gets to have most of the "driving duty." I tell him because he already has no hair...fair exchange for the labor pains when they were born. Overall, they are doing fine and if you want to volunteer to take them out about just give us a call. Otherwise, drivers beware!
Sunday, August 16, 2009
things I saw today...
sunshine, coffee brewing, the pacific ocean, pages in a book, kids eating pancakes, towels, purple shirts, new nike shoes, more towels, packed bags, ping pong paddles, fierce competitive attitudes, grandpa's game, packed cars, the open road, the ocean, tourists, sea lions, crabs, hippie earrings, gummie peaches, historic covered bridge, reser stadium, bryan's lane and at last, home.
Monday, July 27, 2009 favorite!
Talk about 2 hours I'll never get back! We just spent over 2 hours in the emergency room...with who? None other than Jordan. He managed to get hit in the head(yet again) and get his ear split open. He didn't realize all the "waiting" you get to do in the ER. The waiting made him nervous, talk about sweaty hands! We got a triage nurse to diagnosis his injury and then we were taken back to a room. Another nurse, another once over, a physicians asst., another once over and then a doctor for a second opinion. Cleaned up, looked over, cleaned even better and another look from all the above. More waiting, lots of little shots to numb him and finally some stitches. In between all the visits Jordan just got more nervous about when those stitches were coming. He did great and seven stitches later, all he wanted to know was if he could play more baseball!
Soon to be new addition
Did my sister tell you? She's soon to be a "grandma." She thinks her mantra is "simplify your life" but lately it's "did you know I'm gonna be a grandma?" You won't even have to ask, she'll tell you. Congratulations Bryan and Vanessa...and to the grandmas and grandpas!
State Playoffs
We travelled to Seaside this past weekend to play a series of games against the Seaside Seagulls for a chance to go to state playoffs. It was a two out of three series and we won both games on Saturday. 7-3 & 11-5. Whoo hoo! Great baseball, the boys really stepped up. In addition, Jordan has been able to play with the varsity team this summer. They too have made it to playoffs. This will be another busy week of baseball. Looks like Corvallis with the varsity team and Eugene with the JV team. Games will start Wednesday in Corvallis and Thursday in Eugene. Results will be posted!!
Welcome Home!
I've been enjoying my coffee outside on the deck most mornings, trying to make the most of the best part of the day. It's cool and quiet, while the others in the house are still sleeping or off to work. Me and Libby just hanging out. Libby has been distracted by the hustle and bustle she hears over the fence. I tell her,"It's just Grandpa!" Never the less she's focused on the sounds that come from over yonder and too scared to go check it out. We like the sounds of life going on over there...welcome home!
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Date Night
With so much baseball we have had a hard time taking a "date night." Jordan has been at football camp this week and tonight Sydney is at work. What a great night for a date. As it usually goes..."Where do you want to go?" "I don't know, how about you?" And this goes on for a bit. Steve asks if I want to go visit Sydney. Duh. No I don't want to go visit Sydney! (Sydney, I love you but my man needs to branch out!) And why would I want teriyaki when it comes through the house two times a week. I do like it but I get at least a bite TWO TIMES a week. Okay, we left town...a change of scenery is good. I'm a soup girl and I got that so I'm very happy. Time alone with my hubby...priceless!
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
PCL All Star Game
It's like 90 degrees outside and maybe a slight breeze. A perfect night for a ballgame! Think we are headed to PGE Park to watch the PCL All Star game? Nope. Like most nights we are headed to watch Jordan. SMILE! Wouldn't have it any other way cause it's what he likes to do...
Orange kitty
Libby has a friend, "Orange Kitty." A neighborhood cat that hangs out everywhere but at its own house I think. Grandpa has treats for Orange Kitty and well, Libby moans at it. "It" because we don't know if it's a boy or girl. The sound Libby makes is distinctly for Orange Kitty. She likes this cat, we think, because she doesn't fight with it. Any other cat she gets into one of those gnarly cat fights. She just hangs out and makes this moaning sound. Weird! This morning I had the pleasure to hang out on the deck, drink my coffee and listen to Libby moan. This annoying sound does not even bother Orange Kitty. Mating call? This cat comes and rubs up against anything (and everything )and desires to get pet. I couldn't stand this for too long so I broke up the love fest and brought Libby in for breakfast. Orange Kitty is now peering in the back door..."What about me?"
Friday, July 10, 2009
That Man!
That man of mine drives me crazy! Highest priority? Baseball. What are we on time for? Baseball. What is he yelling at Jordan about? Baseball. What is he looking online at? Baseball. Twelve months a year, 24/ It's all about the baseball.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
...what's in your fridge?
Just how much food can a teenage boy consume? Always eating and always hungry. Jordan has mastered the art of "grazing" all day long. We have groceries in the house but he is on a constant search for something. I wish I knew what that something was. And he prefers immediate gratification. He would like to be able to just stick it in his mouth without any preparations. Leftovers are his perfect food. Its already been prepared and he would never dream of heating it up. His braces have been a challenge because there are actually foods he will think twice about before sticking it in his mouth. Imagine that!
Saturday, July 4, 2009
HAPPY 4th!!
Happy 4th of July. Can you believe it? July already and "only" 66 days until school starts. We have been playing baseball, baseball, baseball. Well okay, not "we" but yes we. Jordan is keeping up with JV and varsity schedules and some days we just don't know which way he will playing. Today he played an inning with the varsity team in Corvallis. It was a hot couple of hours but we survived and the team took a loss. Tomorrow is another day in Corvallis, a bit earlier but hopefully a bit cooler.
Steve is on a "mini" for a long weekend. He is enjoying the sleeping in...if only Libby would sleep in on his days off. I think she enjoys getting up early and going outside as it's the coolest part of the day out there for her.
Sydney went on her first college visit with her friend Tessa this week. They visited Northwest Christian College in Eugene. She said she liked it...what's not to like? It's "away" from home. I think she is joining Tessa again to visit Warner Pacific and Concordia this week. Hopefully these visits will inspire her to visit others, apply for scholarships and save her hard earned dollars. I think this next year will pass us by quickly!
As for me, while the big girls were on a college visit I got to play with Tessa's little sisters. Maddie and Molly spent the afternoon with me and I got to watch a DVD and play Monopoly(a.k.a. "the game that never ends")! Those girls are too cute. Can't wait to do it again!
Steve is on a "mini" for a long weekend. He is enjoying the sleeping in...if only Libby would sleep in on his days off. I think she enjoys getting up early and going outside as it's the coolest part of the day out there for her.
Sydney went on her first college visit with her friend Tessa this week. They visited Northwest Christian College in Eugene. She said she liked it...what's not to like? It's "away" from home. I think she is joining Tessa again to visit Warner Pacific and Concordia this week. Hopefully these visits will inspire her to visit others, apply for scholarships and save her hard earned dollars. I think this next year will pass us by quickly!
As for me, while the big girls were on a college visit I got to play with Tessa's little sisters. Maddie and Molly spent the afternoon with me and I got to watch a DVD and play Monopoly(a.k.a. "the game that never ends")! Those girls are too cute. Can't wait to do it again!
Friday, June 12, 2009
Last day of school...
The last day of school means it is officially summer. Another countdown begins...88 days until school starts in September. What will keep these kids occupied for 88 days? For today, it is baseball for Jordan and work for Sydney. She likes her "tips." Next week she will participate in Mission 2 Newberg. If you see her around town doing good deeds be sure to encourage her & her friends. It is a great thing to see what's happening in the community you live in and serve those who are in need. Jordan is looking forward to hanging out with his friends. I guess you can't start too soon either. He and his Wednesday morning coffee buddies are having a end of the year get together tonight. Summer baseball will keep him busy into July and then football camp! Thinking about all that just makes me tired. We all look forward to our beach outing in August and before we know it school activities creep back into our schedule in August as well. Jordan is glad to move up on the food longer a freshman! And our Baby Girl is (do I dare say it?) a SENIOR!
The Swiffer
Best thing invented in awhile although my kids would disagree. I should introduce them to Mr. Mop. You know, the bucket of water, wringing the mop & changing the water. Icky. And Sydney is wondering why the "swiffer." Evidently she never had the pleasure of Mr. Mop.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
The Countdown
59 hours & 45 minutes. 3 days!? That's not enough! School can't be over so soon. What will they do with all their days of summer? Good's a vicious cycle. So when does school start again?
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Two hits, two walks and two RBI's. Not a bad day in baseball. We played Lincoln and they managed to score in the bottom of the 5th inning. But we got that 3rd out and VICTORY! We won 13-1.You never would have known it was 90 degree weather last week. Today we needed long sleeves, jackets and blankets to keep warm in the not much over 60 weather. Hmmph! That's baseball in Oregon...
Friday, June 5, 2009
Meet Alaina!

Girls of Summer...

Summer Baseball

This is a shout out to Matthew, thanks for following! A family tradition has been to go for coffee after a orchestra or band concert. Since Jordan has dropped band we are dependant on Sydney to stick with her viola so we have an excuse to go for coffee. Our place of choice: The Coffee Cottage. This year we have convinced Matthew to join us a time or two. A "coffee virgin" I believe. Not necessarily proud of it but we have corrupted a kid or two along the way. This is Matthew before caffeine, with caffeine and Kendahl with caffeine. Be careful Kendahl "with" is pretty scary. And there is Matthew again joining in on our social time. You are always welcome and hope you will join us after every concert next year! We love ya.
And hope to add more pictures of you to our family album.
The question is will you look like Kendahl? And how many

The question is will you look like Kendahl? And how many
Heritage Festival

Congratulations to all! The NHS music department rocks. Everyone brought home a trophy to be proud of but we couldn't be prouder of Sydney and the orchestra. They won gold in this festival as well as the Adjudicator's award and the Outstanding Orchestra award. Well done! As I hear it, I think the orchestra performed a piece of music from Beauty and the Beast. This movie is a favorite in our house and Belle is the favorite princess of Sydney. We are anxiously awaiting this performance of their Disney experience. If you are wondering about this trip, just ask Sydney to see one of her 439 pictures. Or a number close to this. From the bus ride to the light sabers, she has lots of memories!
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
What's on my mind...
Wow, June already! Where did May go? Well, two things on my mind today. Trust me there are more but another time. First, Happy Birthday Hannah!! I hope you have a great day. Secondly, Jordan had spacers put around some of his teeth in preparation for his braces next week. He has given some time lately wondering what this experience will be like. Curious if they will hurt. Sydney has assured him that they don't and they won't be giving him any sort of shot to numb his mouth to ease the pain. He says his friends have been filling his head with stories. Boys must have a low pain threshold or it really does hurt. Well, he was barely out of the chair was asking me for painkillers and had one of the receptionists running for water to wash them down. The good news is he alive and well enough to tell you about it. I can hardly wait until next week when the actual braces go on. With wires and everything!
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Look out Mickey, here SHE comes!
Well, she's off to see The Wizard...oops! I mean Mickey. She was counting down the hours yesterday. "Mom, 12 hours and it will be time!" Now it's been 12 hours that she been gone from the house. She has left and even though she would be at school, the house is a little quieter this morning. No one to feed "that cat" of hers and no one to argue over the bathroom with Jordan. Hmm, this should be good thing. When Newberg High School hits Disneyland it will never be the same. The group was very excited to say the least and will do NHS proud with all their performances. I am not biased by any means and think the orchestra will be the BEST!
All About Steve

Here are a couple of highlights of Steve's trip...The first being getting his award for OUTSTANDING work. Way to go! We tell the kids we are "so proud" but now it's your turn. Keep up the good work.
Secondly, this guy at the Houston airport caught our eye. We took advantage of this photo op but Steve did not get any good grilling tips from him. Like Steve, George Foreman is friendly and outgoing. Neither one backing away from a little attention. I think Steve could take him on...His fists aren't that much bigger!
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Drinks by the pool=$24, souveniers=$100, time away from the kids=priceless!

Steve has been asking why I haven't put anything about our vacation on here yet. Well, I don't know why. It's work I guess and I want to still be on vacation. We had a fabulous time and words don't even begin to express! The trip Steve earned to Marco Island, FL was so-oo-o nice. Beautiful beach, sunshine and a great place to RELAX! The temperature was in the upper eighties and we had a great breeze everyday. Do you really want to hear we laid on the beach, by the pool and went to the spa? Ate too well and too much. We had a boat cruise out and about the island. The many dolphins and shell searching were among the highlights. I want to go again next year babe!
A personal note to all who sunburn: I highly recommend Walgreen's SPF 30 sunblock. It is water resistant and effective. I used it for the first two days and got absolutely nothing! Steve and I didn't even look like we were on the same vacation. I lightened up on the use of this stuff and got a bit of color before coming home. Yea! In summary, it worked a bit too good for me but perfectly for Steve, as his sweaty head never got sunburned.
When our time at this resort came to an end we moved on to Orlando to go see Mickey and his friends. So many rides and atrractions to see. We barely knew where to start...Indiana Jones stunt show, on to a backlot tour and topped the day with a rollercoaster ride. All was fun but we walked and walked and walked. It was just a tad bit warmer and more humid than what we had just been in. All said and done we had fun but left us wanting another day at the spa.
Back home and dose of reality! Cold, rainy and back to shuffling the kids here and there. Wouldn't have it any other way! Thank you to everyone for helping out and making this all possible.
A personal note to all who sunburn: I highly recommend Walgreen's SPF 30 sunblock. It is water resistant and effective. I used it for the first two days and got absolutely nothing! Steve and I didn't even look like we were on the same vacation. I lightened up on the use of this stuff and got a bit of color before coming home. Yea! In summary, it worked a bit too good for me but perfectly for Steve, as his sweaty head never got sunburned.
When our time at this resort came to an end we moved on to Orlando to go see Mickey and his friends. So many rides and atrractions to see. We barely knew where to start...Indiana Jones stunt show, on to a backlot tour and topped the day with a rollercoaster ride. All was fun but we walked and walked and walked. It was just a tad bit warmer and more humid than what we had just been in. All said and done we had fun but left us wanting another day at the spa.
Back home and dose of reality! Cold, rainy and back to shuffling the kids here and there. Wouldn't have it any other way! Thank you to everyone for helping out and making this all possible.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Have you tried the bubble game I added on the side? It's so-oo-o addictive. Yes, my name is Carol and I have an addiction. Well after playing game after game I finally beat it today. Not the best score(289380) but I beat it. Try it and post your score on the comments of this post. I challenge you to get the best score! And I dare you not to get addicted.
Being Stalked

Today started out a bit wet but it has progressed to be a bright sunny day. I won't say it is warm but sunny none the less. Libby is doing her best at stalking me today. She sits on the deck rail or on top of the bbq just waiting to get a glimpse of movement or a vibration of a sound inside. I think she should stay outside and enjoy the beautiful day and she thinks she should take cover inside for a warm nap. Doesn't she know mother knows best? She is driving me crazy running from window to window in the back of the house. She paws at the screen of the window trying to convince me she needs to be inside with me. Mother does know best, fresh air and exercise you silly cat!
Friday, May 1, 2009
Unconditional Love
...just ask Jordan about his science project. At least two months old and beyond moldy. Found "the smell!" Does this fit into the category of "he's just a boy?" Nobody I know does what Jordan does even if he is "a boy." Jordan, you are my one of kind. They say a mother's love is unconditional but let's not push it to see how far.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Seriously, I think something has died in Jordan's room. I've opened the didn't help. I've washed the "sure to be mildewing" didn't help. I've changed his sheets, washed the blankets, checked under his bed, thrown out the garbage and nothing is changing the SMELL.
Friday, April 24, 2009
Baseball Update...
Tonight we ended a three game series against Tigard. Jordan went three for three...with a walk tonight. Two doubles! Great job Jordan! Whoo hoo! For the series this week he was four for seven with six RBI's. And scored four runs...I think. He even had a chance to pitch this week. Who knew?
Thursday, April 23, 2009

Do you love this picture? I do! This is Hannah, one of our many kids. She is a keeper(so don't do anything to screw up this relationship Sydney). Hannah is on the brain because she was over for dinner tonight. We don't get to see enough of her...she is busy keeping straight A's, playing tennis & making fun of Sydney. That she does a fabulous job at. She has a place at our table...on the couch...and in our hearts!
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
As I sit back and watch this silly cat here is my thought for the day: Eat, sleep & shed! What a life. If we only could eat, sleep & shed. Shed the extra pounds, extra wrinkles but keep the hair!
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Okay Aunt Ninnie, the bubbles game is for us. You got me hooked on that stupid game on your phone just like spider solitaire. Your name is Connie and you have an addiction...
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Its All About The Baseball

It's that time of year again, or should I say the time of year when Jordan plays baseball games. It is baseball 24/7 year round at our house. "All About Me" season is so not about me but so about the two boys in my house. Good thing we all love baseball! Check out my boy! Or should I say my young man...he is so grown up I can't stand it. High school baseball. Hmm, where do I begin? He is catching so he had to have a new catchers glove. Sure. Since he is in the lineup, he will have to hit. He needed a new bat. Right? G & G thinks he needs to stay warm so he had to have new Underarmour! Spoiled. I think he knows it and hope he appreciates all everybody does for him. Thank you to all who show him support. We are just getting started...preseason games are coming to a close and league games about to begin. Go Tigers!
Monday, April 13, 2009
We are NOT letting her leave the house like this...
Saturday was Sydney's first prom...isn't she beautiful? It was a process that started long before the Abby's Closet event. This wasn't even the dress she was originally going to wear! We painted her toes early in the week...knowing the girl forgets she has feet and knowing we would be repainting them. Friday night we glued pretty, pretty french tip nails on her. They turned out really nice even though I was distracted by the movie we watched, Marley & Me. Watch it with a box of tissues! Our Saturday schedule was a little busy but we were treated to a wonderful facial at Nancy Almquist's this morning and Nancy helped Sydney get her makeup "just right." Thanks Nancy! We finished in time to take in one of Jordans two games then little Miss Ants in Her Pants wanted to be fed and pampered some more. You know hair and a touch up on her make up. Just look at the end result...speechless!
Ducks Rule!
Is it wrong that I am a Duck alum and follow the blog of the Huskies mascot? Too cute! Check it out...A Dawg's Life.
Happy Easter
"Do not be afraid, for I know that you are looking for Jesus, who was crucified. He is not here; he is risen, just as he said." Matthew 28:5-6
Happy Easter...
Happy Easter...
Sunday, April 5, 2009
A girl & her prom dress
Yesterday, Sydney & I were up at 5a.m. We got dressed and on our way about an hour later. Our destination being the convention center in Portland. Let us not forget a java stop at Dutch Bros. to keep us bright eyed. Sydney had seen a flyer at school for a "free" prom dress and just had to have one. Okay, I'm all about free. My brother-in-law calls me and my sister "freebie fobes." What girl doesn't like a good bargain! Anyhow...we got to Portland about 7a.m. and went inside to check this out. We checked in and got a ticket to be in line...we are number 222. Lucky number but TWO HUNDRED AND TWENTY TWO! The ladies estimated that we wouldn't line up until around 9:30 or so. Okay, we have time to kill. The good news is that we weren't one of next 900 to check in! The wait wasn't so bad as I had good company. We had our number called about 10a.m. and while we waited in line there was a drawing. Sydney had her lucky number called right away and won a eye shadow palette. Very cool. By the way, this event is called "Abby's Closet" and here's the rules: 1. You have 30 minutes 2. You can take 5 dresses to try on 3. No pictures. Pretty simple and straightforward, yes? We were trying on dresses by 10:45 & had a dress by 11. As you check out you are able to pick an accessory and a cosmetic item before leaving. Sydney chose a fabulous black wrap as her accessory and will use it time & again. And it goes perfectly with the long purple dress she chose. This was a very well planned event and we would do it again. As for me, the "mom thing" it's not just a job it's an adventure(and a pleasure Syd). We did think that since Aunt Cori shares these fancy dresses with the girls that she should have been along for the ride to help do the choosin'!
Friday, April 3, 2009
For Jordan
Well today I am trying to enhance this for Jordan...thanks for following! I added a Mario game for you. Haven't tried it yet but I'm sure you will. Let me know if it's worth keeping.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
So many thoughts...
Hold that thought...more for me than anything. I am creating a place for those thoughts because I have many and can't remember them. You could call them "senior moments" but I'm not a senior. This could very well be the place I store my thoughts, opinions and memorable moments. It would be easier if everyone were just available when I remembered what it was I had to share with them. This is not always the case so, now I have a holding spot!
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